an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background


Dissenyem i desenvolupem solucions tècniques integrals per a habitatges, negocis i indústries, cobrint tot tipus de projectes d’enginyeria i instal·lacions.

A large industrial facility featuring two prominent red cylindrical machines set within a metal framework. The machines are elevated and supported by a concrete structure, with yellow railings and metal scaffolding visible. The roof is made of metal beams in a grid pattern, partially open to the sky.
A large industrial facility featuring two prominent red cylindrical machines set within a metal framework. The machines are elevated and supported by a concrete structure, with yellow railings and metal scaffolding visible. The roof is made of metal beams in a grid pattern, partially open to the sky.
Consultoria i legalització – Local Bagel Vic

Modificació del projecte d'activitats per a la incorporació de nova maquinària, adaptant la instal·lació a la normativa vigent. A més, es van gestionar les inspeccions pertinents per garantir el compliment legal.

A tall yellow ladder is positioned against a building's wall where numerous cables are tangled and connected to electrical equipment. The area is marked off with several orange and white traffic cones on a tiled sidewalk. A storefront with visible products inside is partially in view to the left.
A tall yellow ladder is positioned against a building's wall where numerous cables are tangled and connected to electrical equipment. The area is marked off with several orange and white traffic cones on a tiled sidewalk. A storefront with visible products inside is partially in view to the left.
Disseny de climatització – Nau industrial

Projecte de disseny i dimensionament d’un sistema de climatització eficient per a una nau industrial, garantint el confort tèrmic i l’optimització energètica.

Disseny i implementació d’un sistema de climatització per millorar el confort en la zona de menjador d’unes oficines, adaptat a les necessitats dels usuaris i l’espai.

Disseny de climatització – Zona Menjador

Disseny, dimensionament i legalització de diverses instal·lacions fotovoltaiques en habitatges, assegurant el compliment normatiu i l’optimització de l’autoconsum energètic per maximitzar l’estalvi i l’eficiència.

Disseny i legalització d’instal·lacions fotovoltaiques
A tall yellow ladder is positioned against a building's wall where numerous cables are tangled and connected to electrical equipment. The area is marked off with several orange and white traffic cones on a tiled sidewalk. A storefront with visible products inside is partially in view to the left.
A tall yellow ladder is positioned against a building's wall where numerous cables are tangled and connected to electrical equipment. The area is marked off with several orange and white traffic cones on a tiled sidewalk. A storefront with visible products inside is partially in view to the left.
A tall yellow ladder is positioned against a building's wall where numerous cables are tangled and connected to electrical equipment. The area is marked off with several orange and white traffic cones on a tiled sidewalk. A storefront with visible products inside is partially in view to the left.
A tall yellow ladder is positioned against a building's wall where numerous cables are tangled and connected to electrical equipment. The area is marked off with several orange and white traffic cones on a tiled sidewalk. A storefront with visible products inside is partially in view to the left.